Thursday, March 15, 2012

Pi Day

Pi Day is one of the more underappreciated holidays in the United States. Rice handles it pretty well, if I may say so. I believe there was an intercollegiate (as in Baker vs. Will Rice vs. Hanszen vs. Wiess vs. Jones vs. Brown vs. Lovett vs. Sid Rich vs. Martel vs. McMurtry vs. Duncan) pie-eating contest. There was also an abundance (OVER 9000 2000 (2012 to be exact)) of mini-pies (Tortitas? Hmm, nope, that seems to mean "pancake.").

And it  was somebody's birthday, which meant my first trip to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. General impressions:

  • there are so many people in the real world (SO MANY (THEY'RE EVERYWHERE))
  • fair food is expensive (strawberry lemonade + roasted corn)
  • that Ferris wheel may look like it's "not too far," but it WILL take you 20 minutes to get there
  • I think I've ridden this before... like, back when AstroWorld existed... and I think they were closed in cable cars or something (am I making this up, Mom?)
Because there's a lot of skiing in Houston, TX. 
  • live music is so much better than iPod everything else
  • they always play the most famous song at the end
  • and everyone will have a mini heart attack when they start it
  • and I still can't believe they were there in real life and I was in the same (admittedly very large) room and they played If I Die Young...
  • you have to pay attention to whether you want to go north- or south-bound on the metro
  • most people at Rice have never seen mutton bustin' before. NEVER. SEEN. MUTTON BUSTIN'. But we've rectified the situation. 


  1. So happy you went to the Houston Rodeo!! And glad you introduced people to Mutton Bustin'! As for the "ski lift" there was a similar thing at Astroworld that did indeed have closed cars, I can't remember the name of it, it was something Swiss-sounding!

  2. Where was Astroworld, back in the day?

    1. Right across the loop, that bridge that travels over the loop was the link to the parking, which was shared with the Astro complex.

  3. the cable cars don't look the same to me, BUT that was a very long time ago, and, you know, I can't remember anything anymore!
