Saturday, March 31, 2012


Beer Bike is advertised as being better than Christmas, your birthday, and all holidays combined. I wouldn't go that far, but I would say that (as I said above) Beer Bike is gooood.

Ordinary people build up to Beer Bike with Willy Week. It's a week of jacks and parties and fun, theme-related activities. However, engineers build up to Beer Bike with a week of exams (three), reading (maybe a few hundred pages), and problem sets (INFINITE).

I got to have a bit of fun during Willy Week, including:

  • going to a jacks (pranks) meeting (though I didn't get to actually carry out any of the jacks, I helped plan all of them!)
  • playing Contagion (game starts and everyone is human except for one person, zombies can infect humans by hitting them with a sock, goal is that all of Brown is a zombie by Beer Bike)
  • balloon filling
  • Knife fight light brite tight kite white flight Night Bike! The best part was the parade of Brown cars driving to Greenbriar and being COMPLETELY OBNOXIOUS. We blocked all inner loop traffic and heckled Valhalla. 
  • 28 Days Later. Possibly my favorite zombie movie. Ever.
Brown had 96 of these
Then today, the big day, the stacks started playing and the shouting started at 5 am (people get really excited about this). Here on 8th we made pancakes and watched Zombieland (possibly my second favorite zombie movie--ever). Down in the Brown quad we had a team of makeup artists making us look zombiefied (though I declined to be zombied (other than my awesome zombiefied Beer Bike t-shirt)). 
Bonus points to anybody who catches the Princess Bride reference in this photo.
Then it was time for the water balloon fight. The only way to describe that event is LEGEN--wait for it--DARY. It was a two part event, and Brown most definitely dominated.

Then after that, the actual event of Beer Bike actually started, the results of which shall not be discussed here, though I would like to point out that Brown had two bits of very bad luck (flat tire and wipeout!) that resulted in our loss of the top spots in the men's and women's races. But more importantly, we got 2nd in the alumni race! Yaaaay, Brown!

Almost the entire time at the track was spent eating pizza and yelling mean things at the other colleges/dorm/GSA, and what better way is there to spend a Saturday?

In conclusion, [see title].

1 comment:

  1. sorry, but you're too beautiful to be a zombie!

    Love you!!!

